How I Built a One-Person Business That
Supports My Dream Life with the Japanese Ikigai Concept
When I first heard about the Japanese
concept of Ikigai, it changed my life. It’s all about finding your true purpose
in life, including your business. And as a solopreneur, I was immediately
intrigued. Ikigai combines your passions, skills, and the needs of the world to
create a life of true purpose and service. Here’s how I found mine:
First, I started by truly understanding
what I'm passionate about. What makes me feel excited, energized, and inspired?
I discovered that I love social media, marketing, online business, and
e-commerce. Working feels like play to me. I absolutely love what I do.
Part of Ikigai is also helping other
people succeed. So I talked to my target audience about their needs, and matched
them with my passion to create a mission that fulfills me. I do this by helping
folks build one-person businesses.
Next, I considered my skills and
expertise. What can I offer that others can't? This is the key part → combining
my unique abilities with demand in the market to create a niche for my
solopreneur venture. I strive to be the ONLY one in my niche.
Then, I looked for opportunities to
monetize my passion and skills. I analyzed other solopreneur business models
such as coaching, consulting, digital products, subscriptions, and community. I
started with one and added over time.
To create a visual representation of my
Ikigai, I mapped out the four components: what I love, what I'm good at, what
the world needs, and what I can get paid for. I reflected on the intersections
and identified the core of my business journey.
Of course, none of this would matter if
I never started. So I started building my online business based on my Ikigai.
With a clear vision and purpose, I'm more motivated, resilient, and focused on
achieving success. This is what drives solopreneur success.
I also learned that finding your Ikigai
is a "long game" process. I continuously refine my business and align
it with my purpose as I learn and grow. I'm cognizant of how I change over time
and adjust my business to match those changes.
In the end, I'm living my dream life
with my one-person business, thanks to the Japanese Ikigai concept.